Amanda Sabga Photography

About Amanda

My Work

Amanda is an award winning photographer who has spent the last several years working as an independent photojournalist for hire with editorial publications and agencies having her work featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times and more. Prior to this, Amanda spent more than four years as a staff photographer at the Lawrence based Eagle-Tribune. There she was able to spend time telling the local stories of the surrounding communities as well as national stories such as the Super Bowl, ALCS, NH Primary, the  Lawrence gas explosions and more. Before her time at the Eagle-Tribune Amanda spent the 2014 season working with the Boston Red Sox with a focus on Fenway Park and feature photographs, and was also a photography intern for both the Boston Herald and the Attleboro based Sun Chronicle.


Amanda is Boston based where she works covering local and national news, events, sports, politics and more. She was born in California but moved to the island of Trinidad (where her large extended Syrian and Lebanese family resides) in her childhood years where she graduated high school before returning to the US to attend Boston University. Amanda's diverse background and unique experiences in her formative years give her a appreciation for her surroundings and finding the bigger moments in small places, similarly to living on a small island with a broad mind.

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